Thursday, September 13, 2012

"Out of Sight, Out of Mind" - new works by Roan Victor

Roan Victor was born in the Philippines and immigrated to the United States as a child. During her adolescence, she drew, painted, and pursued her dream of becoming an artist. For the last 15 years, San Jose has been Roan's home, where she attended school, teaches art classes to kids, works hard and is continuing to grow as a artist. Her self-determination and positivity has led to her co-owner ship of The Arsenal, a local art supply store, with her partner and fellow artist, Sean Boyles.

"Out of Sight Out of Mind" is an expression and to be interpreted as one's own visual perception. Roan paints what is around her, inspired to recreate what is ignored or taken for granted. The growth of life usually goes unnoticed, and through her new works you will see what has been overlooked: the craftsmanship that goes into bricklaying, details of Victorian homes that line downtown streets, and the colors/shapes of plants and flowers around us.

Often soft spoken and composed, Roan incredibly expresses how bold and powerful her oil paintings can be. When asked "how did you get into painting?" Roan said "Ever since I can remember, that's what I've always wanted to do." She continues to be passionate about her personal believes and that in itself is a inspiration.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blog/website updates...

Hi E7S supporters.

A quick update to let you know we're in the process of migrating from blogger to a new website operated by Word Press. In the meantime, you can still visit us on our blog for updates since it will take some time to complete our web site. 

If you want to continue to receive automatic email updates from our new website posts, please visit . You can enter you email address (located at bottom of the site).

If you have any questions or would like to instead be added to our yahoo email list, please email us at

Thank you!



Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Orly Locquiao solo show at Empire Seven Studios

Life is a linear journey. It beings at a birth and rides along the peaks and valleys of our days and nights, like lines drawn from one point to the next. Through The Lines takes a deeper look into the life, artwork, and craft of Orly Locquiao.

Lines are pathways, connecting history with the present day. From his earliest years of writing graffiti, to his journeys across the United States and overseas, Orly has pieced together culture these last decades through the end of a spray can tip, camera lens, paintbrush, and electric needle. Though all the mediums say many different things in their expression, it is about the person behind the tools who is telling the story.

Join us as we explore the visual talk-stories by a man who has started much (Humble Beginnings, Cukui) and continues to inspire many in his walk for enlightenment through art. Stay Rooted.

Opening reception: Saturday, August 11 from 7-11pm

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sam Rodriguez solo art exhibit at Cukui

Opening this Friday at Cukui.
Our friend Sam Rodriguez explains his most recent works: 

FUSION MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND: This show is the preface to an ongoing body of work which involves questions and ideas of classification and identity. I am intrigued by visual and social catalogues and their relativity to ones own experience and learned perspective. I have observed this in so many aspects of day-to-day living as I’m sure everyone else has in their own way. For example, here in the U.S I am legally considered “Hispanic”, in Mexico, I am to them an “American”, and to some folks I’ve been considered Middle-Eastern, European, and even part Asian! Visually, the perception of ones identity or how we identify with a given sight changes from one perspective to another.
 There are countless ethnicities, cultures, genres, styles, chemicals, and elements that have meshed together throughout world history, so fusion literally drives the universe. This has inspired me to paint study portraits of dissected faces using visual ingredients and cues, similar to a land map and all its imposed borders.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Japantown Mural Project Dedication Event

You're invited to the July 14th dedication of the Japantown Mural Project, a remarkable art and design project by Japantown artist Tamiko Rast and Rasteroids Design that has been in development for the past two years. 
The Japantown Mural Project will be a colorful "urban gallery", a celebration of the vibrancy of the Japantown neighborhood and community through images and artworks by 50 San Jose artists. The content also includes references to the historic Heinleinville Chinese settlement that predated Japantown in the area.

It will contain more than 60 artist panels, each one about 5'5" high by 9' long, installed on the City's Corporation Yard fence along Jackson Street between N. 6th and N. 7th Streets and extending part of the way up N. 6th Street.
Empire Seven Studios will have two panels for this project.
One panel will be photographs by Jennifer Ahn and another panel will be a mural I had painted earlier this year (see below).

The dedication of the Japantown Mural Project will be in conjunction with the 2012 Obon Matsuri Festival in Japantown on Saturday, July 14. The Mural Dedication is at 3:45pm at the corner of Jackson Street and N. 7th Street. There will be a short program, followed by a walking tour of the entire mural project with lead artist/designer Tamiko Rast and some of the project artists.
This event is free and open to the public.
All are welcome.

More information about the Obon Festival is available at: