Friday, June 17, 2011

Coming soon....WE ARE ROBOTS by Paco Excel

Paco Excel born and raised in California with a background in graffiti dating back to 1989 was first a member of graffiti crews TDK/Oakland and then AWR/Los Angeles, still painting graffiti all over the world is now enjoying the world of pop art. Inspired by an old friend/graffiti writer named Dalek, he is now painting his interpretation of what he believes humans are becoming; ROBOTS. In a world controlled by computers, cell phones and social networks displayed on monitors, he believes that we are becoming less and less connected with humanity and more with technology, hence the subject matter. WE ARE ROBOTS.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photos from SubZero Festival

SubZero was a blast. The Empire Seven Studios booth was shared amongst super talented artists: Pellet, Roan Victor, Sean Boyes, The Ahn Sisters, Francisco Franco and Juan Carlos Araujo! We had a great mix of different artwork and merchandise for sale. Thank you everyone who stopped by to support what we love to do!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Hi everyone. Just a reminder about tonight's festival. Our booth will include: Carlos Araujo, The Ahn Sisters, Sean Boyles, Francisco Franco, Pellet and Roan Victor.

Come out and support!

Jennifer and Carlos

Focused on emerging and present subcultures thriving in our region, SubZERO is a diy, artistically bent, hi/lo-techno mashup where street meets geek. Come downtown on June 3rd to San Jose's SoFA District from 6pm 'til midnight for an inspired evening of arts & culture. In addition to the South FIRST FRIDAYS monthly art walk you'll find outdoor stages of entertainment plus artists, performers & musicians celebrating the indie creative spirit!
FRIDAY JUNE 3, 2011 from 6pm-midnight
SoFA district in downtown San Jose
(on South First Street between San Carlos & Reed Streets)

Ai & Ai
Amul Goswamy
Andre Hart
Art Alive Gallery by Trina Merry
ArtCar Fest-mobile, street-legal sculptures
Black Lotus Fashions
Bugs and Monsters
Canvas Ghost Productions
Cardboard Box Theatre Project
Content Magazine
Crafting For Cheapskates
Crossroads Trading Co.
CUBIC by Drew Detweiler & Lyes Belhocine
Danishta Rivero
Dr. Sketchy’s Anti-Art School
Eaz & Sugar skulls by Jodi
Element 151 Films
Emily Bones
Emo Gonzales
Empire Seven Studios
Empire Vintage Clothing
Fernando Amaro, Jr.
Flashing Panda
Genevieve Hastings Traveling Curio Museum
Gianfranco Paolozzi
Greg Carrillo
Haptic Synapses + Beatseqr
Haley Goodlett
Ike Greca
Ivan T. Gonzales 
JD Beltran
Jim Fonseca
Joe Perea
John Bobst
John Staedler 
Keith Bunnell
Korrupt Label
Laurel Smith
Lacey Bryant
LInda Ritter
Lost San Jose
Lost Villiage & The Pile Style
Luna Chalk Art Festival
Matthew Goodheart
Matthew Seigel
Mayberry Workshop
Michael Foley
Michael Borja
Michelle Waters
Mighty Fresh Boutique
Morgan Richardson
Out of Print Vintage
Persephone Dance Co.
Pops Fabrication
Rock n the Trend
Rhythm Magic
San Jose Screenprinting
San Jose Taiko
Shannon Amidon
Sharper Than Any Clothing and Stuff
Shauna Mork Vicker
Shayne Herrera
Silicon Valley Roller Girls
Sincerely Nifty by Valentina
SJ Bike Party
SJ Eats Movable Feast Food Trucks
SJ Rock Shop
SJ Yarnbombers
Slave Labor Graphics
Social Villian
South Bay Music Swap
Street Drum Corp presents BANG!
Street Swag Photobooth / Abe Menor
Tahira / Pure Dance Theatre
TechShop San Jose
The Oversocial MOFO Revue
The Rabbit Hole
The Usuals
Third Faction
Tim Thompson
Valentina Vintage
Waitman Gobble
Yuki Uzuhashi
Zine Party hosted by Yumi

Laguinitas presents Better Brew Tasting Garden 
hosted by Better Beer Blog
Participating breweries: 
• Ale Industries
• Campbell Brewing
El Toro Brewing Company
• Firehouse Grill & Brewery
* Gordon Biersch
• Hermitage Brewing/ Tied House Café & Brewery
Lagunitas Brewing
• Uncommon Brewers
• more to come ...

Ben Henderson & Friends
Black Lotus Fashion Show
Corpus Callosum
DJ Jeff Jagged
DJ K-Von
Emerald Hill
Glowing Stars
Mighty Mike McGee
Oddly Even
The Red Paintings
San Francesca
Tahira / Pure Dance Theatre
The High Sea
Troy Joseph Curtis

+ more music, secret performances + other surprises in the works!