Sunday, September 27, 2009

Emulsion Stew and Certified Participants

Hi everyone. Thank you for all those came out last night to see Certified Participants! It was a great turnout and the artists really appreciated all your support. For those who couldn't make it, please call us to make an appointment Carlos 408-668-4434 or Jennifer 408-644-3439. The show runs comes down Halloween night....we are working on a calendar with the artists for some drawing session nights and maybe a closing reception.

There's still lots of affordable artwork for sale and a bunch of merchandise. For a limited time, you can purchase silk screen tshirts, prints, postcards, etc.

Below are some photos from the reception and some of the set up shots. Also, photos from the last show, Emulsion Stew by our very own Jai Tanju.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Upcoming art show....Certified Participants

We're doing things a little different for Sept/Oct. My artist for October cancelled so I'm giving this group of 7 talented artists to show longer. We've been doing 2nd Fridays but for Sept, our friends The Mumlers will be performing at the Blank Club (go support!).

Certified Participants will be having their opening reception LAST Friday, Sept. 25th from 7pm-midnight. Come support! You won't want to miss it!!!